Current Rates

Effective Date: 03/01/2025
The rates which may apply to your account(s) at Texas Bridge Credit Union are disclosed in this schedule. Other rates may at times be offered for these accounts. Fees may reduce earnings. Click here for our fee schedule.

Savings Minimum Balance Dividend Rate APY* Term
Share (Savings) Account $100 .20 .20 n/a
Share (Savings) Account $50,000 .25 .25 n/a
Kirby Kids Club Account $5.00 3.00 3.25 n/a
Money Market Account $1000 .45 .45 n/a
Money Market Account $50,000 .55 .55 n/a
Money Market Account $100,000 .65 .65 n/a
GEM Share Draft (Checking) $500 0.10 0.10 n/a
Budget Checking Account $500 0.05 0.05 n/a
Economy Checking Account n/a 0.00 0.00 n/a
IRA Savings Account $500 1.20 1.21 n/a
IRA Savings Account $25,000 1.25 1.26 n/a
Christmas Club (Savings) $100 .50 .50 n/a
Vacation Club $100 .50 .50 n/a
Change Saver Account $50 3.20 3.25 n/a
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield
Certificates Minimum Deposit Dividend Rate APY* Term
Regular Share Certificates (fixed) $1000 4.30 4.37 6
Regular Share Certificates (fixed) $1000 4.00 4.06 12
Regular Share Certificates (fixed) $1000 3.65 3.70 18
Regular Share Certificates (fixed) $1000 3.55 3.60 24
Regular Share Certificates (fixed) $1000 3.45 3.50 36
IRA Certificates $ 1000 (fixed) $1000 4.00 4.06 12
IRA Certificates $ 25,000 (fixed) $25,000 4.10 4.16 12
IRA Certificates $ 1000 (fixed) $1000 3.65 3.70 18
IRA Certificates $ 25,000 (fixed) $25,000 3.75 3.81 18
IRA Certificates $ 1000 (fixed) $1000 3.55 3.60 24
IRA Certificates $ 25,000 (fixed) $25,000 3.55 3.60 24
IRA Certificates $ 1000 (fixed) $1000 3.45 3.50 36
IRA Certificates $ 25,000 (fixed) $25,000 3.55 3.60 36
Mini-Jumbo Share Certificates (fixed) $25,000 4.40 4.48 6
Mini-Jumbo Share Certificates (fixed) $ 25,000 4.10 4.16 12
Mini-Jumbo Share Certificates (fixed) $ 25,000 3.75 3.81 18
Mini-Jumbo Share Certificates (fixed) $ 25,000 3.65 3.70 24
Mini-Jumbo Share Certificates (fixed) $ 25,000 3.55 3.60 36
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield