Fee Schedule

Effective 03/01/2025
Monthly Service Charge Share Draft (Checking) Account Fees
GEM Checking
GEM Checking $7.50
Senior GEM Checking (members 55 and over) $3.50
Budget Checking
Minimum Balance $300 or more No Charge
Minimum Balance less than $300 $4.00
Economy Checking
Economy Checking No Charge
Insufficient Funds (each NSF item) $27.50
Courtesy Pay (each item) $27.50
Stop Payment Order consecutive $25.00
Stop Payment non-consecutive $25.00
Money Market
Minimum balance of $1000 or more No Charge
Minimum balance less than $1000 $6.00
Up to 3 drafts per month and 3 cash or official check withdrawals per month No Charge
Over 3 drafts and 3 cash or official check withdrawals per month $3.00 each
Automatic Overdraft Transfer
(shares to checking) $2.00
Interim Balance (telephone request) No Charge
Account History Print-out $2.00
Estatements No Charge
Paper Statement Fee* $2.00
Budget Checking, GEM & Senior GEM No Charge
Between the age of 18 to 65 $2.00
Statement Copy $2.00
Check Copy
2 Free copies per statement period
Fees begin with 3rd copy (each)
Faxed Copy
Mailed Copy $2.00
Online Banking Copy No Charge
Check Printing-
Depends on style, # of checks ordered. GEM Checking – 2 boxes of free GEM checks each calendar year
Account Balancing Assistance $10.00 hour;
$10.00 minimum
Account Research $10.00 hour;
$10.00 minimum
Cashier’s Check $3.00 each
Other Account Fees
ATM/Debit MasterCard Fees-
No Fees for transactions made at  Texas Bridge owned ATMs. $1.00 fee for each withdrawal and/or transfer and 0.50 for inquiries performed at a non- Texas Bridge owned ATM. ATM owners may also assess a convenience fee for each transaction performed at their location
All Point-of-Sale (POS) transactions No Charge
Replacement ATM Cards $5.00
ATM/Debit Card NSF Fee (per item) $27.50
ATM/Debit Card Courtesy Pay Fee (per item) $27.50
ATM/Debit Card Overdraft Transfer Fee $2.00
Online/ Mobile Banking Access
Online/ Mobile Banking Account & Information access No Charge (unlimited access)
Online/ Mobile Banking Transaction Fees No Charge (unlimited transactions)
Online/ Mobile Banking: Copy Fee No Charge (for on-line print copies)
Online/ Mobile Bill Pay No Charge (unlimited bill payments)
Check Cashing Fee (each item)
for members with less than $100 in shares with no other loan or deposit services
Returned Deposit Fee (charge-back) each item $10.00
Returned Mail Fee w/forwarding address
Returned Mail Fee w/no forwarding address $5.00
Notary Fee
Member No Charge
Non-member Per State fee schedule
Wire Transfers
Incoming No Charge
Outgoing – Domestic $17.50
Outgoing – International $30.00
Money Order (maximum money order value $1,000)
With GEM Checking No Charge
Without GEM Checking $1.00 each
Over 5 pages 0.25 each page
Fax Machine Service
Incoming No Charge
Outgoing Local (Up to 5 Pgs.) $1.00
Outgoing non-local Priced per destination
ACH Return Fee (per item) $27.50
ACH Courtesy Pay (per item) $27.50
Corporate Checks – issued to replace “on-us” checks presented for payment $2.00
Misrouted IRS Refund Fee $12.00
Excessive Withdrawal Fee
Share (Savings) Accounts (in excess of 6 monthly) $1.00 each
Vacation Club Accounts (in excess of 3 monthly) $1.00 each
Up to 6 transfers from Share Account per calendar month No Charge
Fees Begin with 7th transfer $1.00 each
Inquiries No Charge
Closed Share Account Fee
(closed within 90 days of opening)
Christmas Club Early Withdrawal Fee $5.00
Inactive Share (no activity for 6 months) $10.00
Levy Processing Fee $30.00
Garnishment Fee $50.00
IRA Annual Admin Fee $10.00
Membership Fee $1.00
Safe Deposit Box
                                 3X10 $40.00 Annually
                                 5X10 $60.00 Annually
                                 10X10 $110.00 Annually
* Certain fee exclusions and conditions apply